Meet the top-of-the-line, no-holds-barred “Gucci” AR-15 from Daniel Defense! Everyone knows that AR-15s cover the gamut from bare-bones starter models...
Strike up the action music–it’s time for your Crowning Moment of Awesome. You know that moment in an action movie when the quiet, reserved guy...
Guns & Gadgets Daily readers have spoken…here are your favorite GGD articles for 2019! The year and the decade are coming rapidly to a close. Before...
What makes some mass shootings more equal than others? On December 29, 2019, just a few days after Christmas, a gunman walked into a Texas church...
Although Fabrique Nationale hails from Belgium–not a country normally noted for its military prowess–FN’s line of rifles, shotguns, and pistols has a devoted cult following in...
If there’s anything anti-gunners hate more than guns, it’s people who can use them safely. One of the reasons it’s so much fun to write about...
Add an AlphaWolf or LWD barrel and slide to your Glock for a fully custom pistol made in the USA. America’s leading Glock accessory supplier, Lone...
You may already know that the revolvers and semi-autos manufactured by Magnum Research often star in movies that feature gunfighting–and yes, we mean “star,” because the...
The life of an anti-gun activist: Constantly triggered, traumatized, and thin-skinned. You know, if it weren’t for the fact that they’re doing their level best to...
When SIG SAUER first won its contract to arm the American military with its M17 pistol almost exactly two years ago, it was big news–but don’t...
Arachnophobic? Prepare to have your mind changed about spiders with ArachniGRIP’s Slide Spider, which is not just a great way to enhance control of your...