The mainstream media cannot and will not stop lying about the Second Amendment, and they don’t care that you know....
It’s simple, it costs nothing, and it’ll work better than what we’re doing now. Hear me out… What’s always struck me the hardest after each headline-grabbing...
Is it possible for ammunition to degrade over time, and if so, is it dangerous? A Facebook follower recently asked us the above question, and interestingly,...
The new Range Officer Elite is a solid 10…millimeters. (And it looks good, too.) Springfield Armory knows what you want for Christmas 2018: Their RO® Elite...
Unlike those dumb ads about the [your area] mom and her ONE WEIRD TRICK that dentists hate, these actually work… If you’re like me, you devour...
Whitetail deer: gentle, shy, and not at all dangerous. Or are they…? “Nature, red in tooth and claw.” The saying’s meant to remind us that wild...
Every gun owner meets at least one of these in their lifetime… If you own firearms and you don’t mind letting people know it, sooner or...
Some veterans’ organizations shy away from guns and hunting. Not HAVA. Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA) is a nonprofit organization formed by companies in the shooting...
I just hope none of you wants to be a gun writer, or I might be out of a job… One of the best things about...
Hey, not everybody can have a G.I. Joe Kung-Fu Grip… Woop woop, Ninjas! Your pal D. Range Ducats is back with your Thursday morning Just the...
Fabrique Nationale just announced a new addition to their SCAR collection: the 20S precision rifle. Like all of the semi-automatic civilian-legal SCARS that FN fields, this...