Remembah when the Obama Administration sold guns to the Mexican cartels? CCRKBA remembahs. Ten years ago, America learned about one of the Obama administration’s dumbest ideas–and...
The criminals know you’re home, so they’re bringing back-up. Make sure you have yours, too. One of the most disturbing trends we’ve noticed since the beginning...
Seven years ago, San Jose confiscated a woman’s guns and still refuses to return them… Everybody knows that California is a front-runner for the worst gun...
Dear Cherokee County: the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is immune to the Coronavirus. In the latest skirmish between the Second Amendment and the excuses...
Six months ago today, I wrote a piece about why I don’t open carry. It’s time to revisit. On October 14 of last year, when we...
I got your Instagram influencer right here, buddy. Ah, memes. They’re essentially the bumper stickers of the Internet era, and like bumper stickers, they’re unlikely...
As the Coronavirus spreads across America, the nation’s gun-grabbers have been working overtime to shutter gun stores–often targeting these businesses long before requiring other retail establishments...
It’s a lovely quarantine Friday, and it’s time for some real good news. The global Coronavirus pandemic is already changing the landscape for supporters of the...
Here’s how to put your front sight on a target much too small to see. There are some people who will tell you that the Second...
Today, as a special treat, an exclusive interview with Mike Bloomberg conducted by our very own anti-gun reporter and human rumble strip, Ima Nidiot. DATELINE –...