Every gun owner meets at least one of these in their lifetime… If you own firearms and you don’t mind letting people know it, sooner or...
I just hope none of you wants to be a gun writer, or I might be out of a job… One of the best things about...
Hey, not everybody can have a G.I. Joe Kung-Fu Grip… Woop woop, Ninjas! Your pal D. Range Ducats is back with your Thursday morning Just the...
Ever wondered what those stock phrases you see in gun reviews really mean? If you’re a fan of gun reviews, chances are you’ve noticed there are...
The latest Dick’s news to pop up is their upcoming legal battle with Battle Born Munitions, whom Dick’s (allegedly) tried really hard to short. For everyone...
Today, we have a guest column from our resident gun-control expert Ima Nidiot, human wind tunnel and personification of the word “moist.” Take it away, Ima!...
Are you a woman buying your first gun solo? Congratulations! Women who are considering buying their first gun for self-defense face a dizzying array of choices,...
Cat videos made the Internet…but gun videos made it great. There are some truly wonderful gun videos out there, from simple how-to pieces from Brownell’s, to...