Sometimes, when they think nobody’s paying attention, the Deep State says the quiet part out loud! And what’s more, now...
With the right holster and gun combination, every man and woman has the heart of a grizzly. In the recent hit movie The Revenant, which portrays...
When Glock entered the single-stack super-sub-compact fray with its now-famous Glock 43, some naysayers worried that people wouldn’t want to carry it because of its (relatively)...
Seven years ago, San Jose confiscated a woman’s guns and still refuses to return them… Everybody knows that California is a front-runner for the worst gun...
We citizens of Sweatpants Nation do solemnly declare that we will CCW in comfort… I’m going to admit that this whole coronavirus quarantine thing has its...
Gun enthusiasts and concealed-carriers the nation over know that when push comes to shove, the snub-nosed revolver remains a top choice for self-defense scenarios due to...
When is a weapon-mounted light not a weapon-mounted light? When it’s a SwitchBack! One of the most contentious debates in the world of concealed-carry and self-defense...
Dear Cherokee County: the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is immune to the Coronavirus. In the latest skirmish between the Second Amendment and the excuses...
“Hey, All You Cool Cats and Kittens!” If those seven words sent a shiver up your spine, that means you, too, are clearly a victim of...
A few days ago, a prominent anti-gunner opined that the zombies aren’t coming. I say they’re already here. The Coronavirus pandemic is still raging, and that...
Six months ago today, I wrote a piece about why I don’t open carry. It’s time to revisit. On October 14 of last year, when we...