Pocket pistols in .380 ACP have been done before, and done well, damn well. I would specifically reference the Ruger LCPII and SIG Sauer’s P238. Both...
When gun owners go ammo shopping, most of the times they see a box of +P bullets. With absolutely no idea, gun owners walk out of...
Self defense is the right of every individual. This is the reason why more and more people are opting to keep weapons with themselves for the...
A particularly favorite hunting rifle is the HS .338 Lapua. This beast of a hunting rifle is perfect for the big hunting game lovers. If you...
For 30 years, Brocock has dominated the air gun market in the United Kingdom. They have manufactured a wide variety of high quality and light weight...
The Winchester Rifle is colloquially known as “the gun that won the west.” While this claim certainly holds merit as the weapon was extremely effective when...
If you are searching for an iconic scattergun then Remington 870 must be your first choice. The Remington 870 is known for its familiar sight in...
If you’re one of those doomsday preppers getting ready for the imminent apocalypse, you know that you must get your hands on the best items, and...
When thinking of a special type of rifle, one of the many options that come to mind is the Windham Weaponry SRC. This gun is created...
Precision is all one cares about in a long-range hunting firearms and its gotten better with the introduction of Magpul Hunter 700 in the extended line...