Lone Wolf Dusk 19 > Glock 19. Change my mind. The trouble with doing so would be that there are...
Ever wondered what those stock phrases you see in gun reviews really mean? If you’re a fan of gun reviews, chances are you’ve noticed there are...
If you’ve been following the latest in materials technology, you’ve no doubt run into some intriguing articles about the bulletproof vest of the future: one constructed...
What’s better than pumpkin spice? This giveaway! Guns & Gadgets Daily is excited to announce the Awesome Autumn II Giveaway, which is so named not just...
One of our most popular giveaways is back! Guns and Gadgets Daily is proud to announce our second annual Giving Thanks Giveaway, which is back and...
What’s scarier than Halloween? The price markups that are going to start tomorrow… If you live in a town where they actually wait until after Halloween...
The funniest video you’ll see all week leads us to a useful question… It’s a tense, suspenseful video depicting a tense, suspenseful situation. Indian police have...
The latest Dick’s news to pop up is their upcoming legal battle with Battle Born Munitions, whom Dick’s (allegedly) tried really hard to short. For everyone...
The economy is doing better, but that doesn’t mean you want to blow your whole paycheck for your personal security. Bersa has great news for folks...
The only thing anti-hunters hate more than hunting is when a woman does it. This week, anti-hunters in Scotland reacted with pearl-clutching horror to learn that...
Today, we have a guest column from our resident gun-control expert Ima Nidiot, human wind tunnel and personification of the word “moist.” Take it away, Ima!...