The latest Dick’s news to pop up is their upcoming legal battle with Battle Born Munitions, whom Dick’s (allegedly) tried really hard to short. For everyone...
Today, we have a guest column from our resident gun-control expert Ima Nidiot, human wind tunnel and personification of the word “moist.” Take it away, Ima!...
Projection isn’t just a way to get your voice heard… …Projection is, of course, a psychological term used to describe a maladaptive way to process feelings...
Cat videos made the Internet…but gun videos made it great. There are some truly wonderful gun videos out there, from simple how-to pieces from Brownell’s, to...
Did something newsworthy happen on Saturday? BECAUSE I CAN’T TELL. It was, as we’ve already been told ad nauseum, a Day That Would Go Down In...
Smith & Wesson and Ruger are two of the most widely recognized names among gun manufacturers… …and that’s probably why the anti-gunners are so enamored with...
Dear Mainstream Journalists, here’s why people who know guns think you’re so full of it, you squeak going into a turn. One of the toughest things...
Today, we have a guest column from our resident gun-control expert Ima Nidiot, personal-odor trainer and vagina-hat knitting queen. Take it away, Ima! Hello to all...
It’s not paranoia; it’s responsible gun ownership. The self-defense visualization technique for armed citizens known as “Condition Yellow” has recently been the centerpiece of a typically...
Who put all this Nature in my Nature?!? Ask any native Coloradan, and they’ll tell you: The Californians have arrived…and they’re in for a big shock....