When you absolutely, positively, must turn night into day, accept no substitutes! The Nextorch Saint Torch 30C already has a...
Magnum Research knows better than anyone how quickly the backwoods get extraordinary! Whether you’re an avid hunter on the trail of America’s most damaging invasive species...
Be extraordinary every day with your choice of everyday carry guns and gear! We believe you should choose your everyday carry (EDC) rig carefully, as it...
If you’ve been keeping an eye on the ebb and flow of American politics–and of course you have been–then you have no doubt noticed that the...
XDMAN is the go-to gun guy for all things Springfield … and the king of custom firearms art! When the expert engineers of Springfield Armory meet...
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing, but you mean your mother. Today, the Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms...
Is there anything better than backyard plinking with your .22LR Rough Rider Heritage Revolver? If there is, neither we nor famed YouTube gun reviewer Who_Tee_Who want...
We’ve been keeping you abreast of the latest legal developments in the Second Amendment, and today we have more news from the Second Amendment Foundation regarding...
Meet your new fave EDC blade! For years, Cold Steel has been the final word in quality and craftsmanship … with a price tag to match....
A Keystone State Senator, Pat Toomey, is the key to keeping the ATF Chipman-free. If you’ve been reading Guns and Gadgets Daily, and our sister publication...
Find out why Ed Brown 1911 magazines are the very best you can get! A few months ago, Ed Brown trusted us to treat you to...