Our gun-grabbing guest columnist, Ima Nidiot, is in a tizzy over Board With A Nail In It control. Here’s why. For years, you pro Second Amendment...
Remembah when the Obama Administration sold guns to the Mexican cartels? CCRKBA remembahs. Ten years ago, America learned about one of the Obama administration’s dumbest ideas–and...
Seven years ago, San Jose confiscated a woman’s guns and still refuses to return them… Everybody knows that California is a front-runner for the worst gun...
Here’s how to put your front sight on a target much too small to see. There are some people who will tell you that the Second...
Today, as a special treat, an exclusive interview with Mike Bloomberg conducted by our very own anti-gun reporter and human rumble strip, Ima Nidiot. DATELINE –...
Just a few short days ago, I interviewed Joe Biden’s imaginary friend Dog Face Pony Soldier for our sister publication, Freedom’s Lodge, in an effort to...
The life of an anti-gun activist: Constantly triggered, traumatized, and thin-skinned. You know, if it weren’t for the fact that they’re doing their level best to...
Who knew that “domestic terrorists” have lawyers and a copy of the Bill of Rights? It’s a sad day for America when it becomes necessary to...
Ugh, Bertram, can you believe The Poors think they have a right to self-defense? Yesterday, 145 CEOs of some of America’s largest corporations sent a joint...
In the words of past NRA president John Sigler: They don’t hate your guns. They hate you. On September 11, 2001, America learned first-hand what it...