This summer, let freedom ring in the key of 5.56 and 9mm! Summer 2021 is going to be the best ever, especially with our Best Summer Ever...
Announcing our Perfect 10 $20K Guns & Gear Giveaway: 10 Winners, 10 Guns, 10K Rounds of Ammo! Oh, baby, what makes a Perfect 10? Well, as...
Here are the stories I’ll tell if they get around to the “Molon Labe” part… “Molon Labe,” of course, means “Come and Get Them” in Greek,...
Spring forward? Spring back? Forget the alarm clock, it’s time for a self-defense guns and gear giveaway! Click here to enter! March 2021 is roaring in...
So you heard a bump in the night, and you grabbed your gun. Now what? Click the photo above to find out! Ever checked out the...
Today’s article is courtesy of our expert in all things memetastic…guest writer XDMAN himself! You can catch up on his other adventures by visiting him at...
Which Big, Fine Revolver Are You? Whether you call it a Big Frame Revolver, a Big, Fine Revolver, or a Big F’in Revolver, one of the...
Instant karma comes in many forms, but none faster than the ones with idiots with guns. They say that God loves fools and drunks above all...
Is it just our barrels, or is it getting hot in here? It may be cold outside, but here at Guns & Gadgets Daily, things are...
Grab your crystal balls, guys: It’s time for our amazing Guns & Gadgets Daily 2021 psychic predictions! The year 2020 is finally, finally about to end…but...