Accessories & Gear
Adams Arms Gives Free #MagsForToms

Why do hippie shoes always have to be so fugly?
Every so often, a retailer or product manufacturer will forget that gun owners’ money spends just as green as everyone else’s, and they’ll proudly announce their support for gun control. And every so often, gun owners have to remind them of that fact by not spending that money. Sometimes it’s from an entity that really should have known better, like the dicks at Dick’s. Sometimes it’s from a company like Yeti, which spent years breaking into the sporting market only to throw it all away. Today, however, it’s from Toms Shoes, who not only make shoes so ugly my ex-wife’s Chihuahua wouldn’t even eat them, but who also clearly figure that they don’t have anything to lose by donating a cool $5Mil to anti-gun organizations. They may be right, but that doesn’t mean you can’t spit in their eye anyway. How? Adams Arms‘ new #MagsForToms campaign.
The campaign was originally conceived as a Yeti-style auto-da-fé, complete with turning the turned-in Toms into heat and light. “Originally we were going to burn the shoes, but decided that’s no way to treat something that could be used again by homeless veterans,” VP of Sales & Marketing, Jens Krogh, said.
“But then we thought to ourselves… we should at least make the shoes less hippie. So we’re going to alter them with a pro Second Amendment message and THEN donate them to several worthy causes for veterans and impoverished people living in oppressive countries where they do not have the freedoms we cherish.”
The concept is simple: Send in your Toms shoes to Adams Arms, and in return they’ll send you a free 30-round magazine (unless you live in a restricted state, in which case it’ll have to be a 10-rounder). Amend2 Magazines, a high-quality magazine and accessory company based in Idaho, loved the idea so much that they partnered with Adams Arms to support the cause and donated the first batch of #MagsForToms. For every pair of Toms Shoes sent in, one Amend2 30-round (or 10-round) magazine will be sent to your door!
Here’s how it works. Send Adams Arms your shoes at:
Adams Arms
Mags for TOMS
1551 Gunn Highway
Odessa FL 33556
You must include a note with your shipping address and email address. Adams Arms is also requesting that before you send them, you post a picture with #shoeburn #magsfortoms and #shallnotbeinfringed to spread the word.
It’s worth pointing out that the organizations in line to get money from Toms are Black & Brown Gun Violence Prevention Consortium, Everytown for Gun Safety, Faith in Action, Giffords, Livefree, March for Our Lives and Moms Demand Action.
Adams Arms, my cover is off to you for a magnificent trolling effort!
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