Capitol Hill gun-grabbers have tried everything (except for anything) to stop mass shootings, and they’re all out of ideas! We’ve said it before, and we’ll say...
We’ll know it’s about “safety” when he starts banning bicycles. President Joe Biden’s new executive order on guns won’t reduce gun-related violent crime, nor will it...
Obama: “Check out this Fast & Furious scam … can you top it?” Biden: “Hold my beer!” “Joe Biden’s world-class hypocrisy is on full display, and...
Remember when the Obama administration (with Biden as VP) gave Mexican drug cartels a bunch of guns? The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and...
Biden’s handlers really need to stop letting him talk after 3 p.m. Mayo clinic: Sundowning: A state of confusion occurring in the late afternoon and lasting...
Gun control doesn’t work. The proof is in the crime-scene tape. A few days ago, some skinful of slime committed a terrible crime–a racially motivated mass...
“Hoplophobia“: An irrational, overwhelming fear of firearms that renders the sufferer helpless to resist B.S. The good news is that the Citizens Committee for the Right...
On April 3, two men killed six people in a late-night downtown shootout. Naturally, the very first thing that the anti-gunners did was put on their...
Newly-revealed Russian outrages including the attacks on a maternity hospital and innocent women and children further reinforces the necessity for all European nations to have an...
The name of the game today is “state preemption laws,” and today’s loser is Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrel. Gun-rights supporters in Washington State have been casting...