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Spider-Bro: ArachniGRIP Slide Spider For Arthritic Shooters




This is the one time it’s okay to give the gift of…spiders.

Arachnophobic? Prepare to have your mind changed about spiders with ArachniGRIP’s Slide Spider, which is not just a great way to enhance control of your pistol’s slide, but also a terrific $20 stocking stuffer for the gun owner who has everything…except pain-free hands.

Some shooters who find that their grip strength isn’t what it used to be solve the problem by going to a gunsmith, or even purchasing a new gun with an easier slide spring. That might be a bit much for a Christmas present, though, especially when a $20 spider-bro can help matters right now.

Let’s face it: Time comes for us all, and with it comes arthritis (at least 50% of us will have developed it by age 60). Racking your slide, clearing the chamber, and locking it back can become painful and difficult…at a time in our lives when we need firearm-based personal protection more than ever. The Slide Spider grip products offers a safe and secure hold, even under challenging operating conditions, including extreme moisture and temperature.

The Slide Spider is easy to install and long-wearing. It’s available for the majority of semi-auto pistols (you can check whether they have one for your model by clicking here). They even have them available for pistols with red-dot optics installed, another bonus for older shooters. Click here to learn more.

Still having a hard time with the idea of putting a spider under the Christmas tree or in a stocking? Watch this video to see just how festive a spider can truly be…


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