Here’s all the weird gun-related news we missed while we were in Las Vegas… There are two types of people who read the news: Those who...
Today, we have a guest column from our resident gun-control expert Ima Nidiot, human wind tunnel and personification of the word “moist.” Take it away, Ima!...
Projection isn’t just a way to get your voice heard… …Projection is, of course, a psychological term used to describe a maladaptive way to process feelings...
Today, we have a guest column from our resident gun-control expert Ima Nidiot, personal-odor trainer and vagina-hat knitting queen. Take it away, Ima! Hello to all...
Open Carry (OC) is like concealed carry (CCW)’s redneck cousin. Much of the talk surrounding the “and Bear Arms” part of the Second Amendment centers around...
Do you want conspiracy theories? This is how you get conspiracy theories. If you’re ever curious about how some segments of the gun-owning population come to...
Here’s why you should care about Florida’s ban on gun ownership for adults under 21. In the immediate aftermath of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas...
They know that argument goes both ways, right? Here, from the NRA’s official Twitter account, is proof positive that one of the most brutally unkind things...
A guest post from Ima Nidiot. In the interest of fairness, we occasionally like to enlist the wisdom of anti-gun expert Ima Nidiot, underwater basket-weaver and...
Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stevens Calls For Repeal Of 2nd Amendment Former United States Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens is calling for a repeal of...