Today, Ed Brown‘s design and marketing guru John May sits down with our very own XDMAN! We get the scoop on all of those Smith &...
Who wants a piece of the Motor City Madman’s mind? The Second Amendment world has its own “rock stars,” but there’s only one king: Ted Nugent....
Which holster is best for your gun and carry method? One of the very first things you’ll do after you purchase a new gun is try...
The shooting community has long agreed that the Rock River Arms RRAGE LAR-15 chambered in .223/5.56 is one of the sweetest-shooting AR-15s out there for the...
Thank you for being proud, ethical sportsmen (and the best readers ever)! This year, we’re raising a Thanksgiving toast to you, the American outdoorsmen and women...
Precision rifle shooting is the hottest shooting sport of the last few years, but long-range shooting often comes with an itemized receipt almost as long as...
When Steyr Arms launched their brand-new Pro Hunter II bolt-action rifle, it was much more than just a new product release. It was an offering to...
Steyr Arms rarely offers discounts on their high-end, professional-quality guns…but today is a rare exception. Like Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are uniquely American...
Introduced 61 years ago, the iconic Weatherby Mark V Accumark series of bolt-action hunting and long-range rifles has undergone a major update–according to the company, all...
Mention air rifles to some members of elder generations, and they’ll wax nostalgic about shooting their buddy in the butt with their first BB gun. But...