In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance, My head is...
When they outlaw stabilizing braces, of course only outlaws will have them. Today, the Second Amendment Foundation has an urgent message for American gun owners and...
We here at Guns & Gadgets Daily recently received a notice from the National Rifle Association that their planned Annual Meetings have been cancelled. The announcement,...
In today’s “paper-thin excuse to make life hard for gun owners” news … The Biden administration just announced that it intends to ban imported Russian ammunition...
Our friend the XDMAN does a lot more than customize guns … he offers sweet deals! Who’s the XDMAN? Well, he’s the go-to gun guy for...
Today, we have a very important notice from Berger Bullets. It reads, in its entirety, as follows: Berger’s Load Development Team has determined that some 223 Remington...
This is your version of The Gong Show, and nobody’s going to yank you off-stage… Legion Targets has one goal: Transforming your Back 40 into a...
What does hearing protection perfection sound like? AXIL’s GS Extreme Earbuds were engineered from the ground up to give shooters like you the best, most comfortable...
Imagine a world in which shooting your defensive shotgun is fun. You’re in that world. All shotguns are versatile enough to be used for defensive, hunting,...
From branding to blade edge, WeKnife Company’s THUG is ready for your toughest everyday tasks. Is your everyday carry rig “everyday,” or is it extraordinary? In...
What’s your carry position? The concealed-carry mavens at CrossBreed Holsters are venturing into one of the hottest debates in the world of self-defense: Rear draw versus...