Recession? What recession? Steyr Arms is hiring…as long as you’re not this guy. Keen-eyed readers have no doubt noticed that the current recession doesn’t seem to...
If you carry a concealed firearm for self-defense, the question has no doubt occurred to you: “What would I do if I saw a stranger in...
Your buddies pull up, roll the window down, and tell you it’s time for some fun… Part of the reason why Kahr Arms sponsors the...
Maybe it’s because I’m more “Special Farces” than “Special Forces,” but… If you spend enough time hanging out in Internet-based gun forums (fora?), sooner or later...
The COVID-19 quarantine taught American gun owners many lessons: Buy ammo when it’s plentiful, toilet paper is great for bartering…and, when HALO jumping, always make sure...
The right to self-defense knows no color, race, or creed. The frustration and civil unrest that crystallized around the death of George Floyd can be expressed...
Rule One of Hollywood and guns is that the shooter and the gun can do anything the director wants them to do, and that’s why watching...
What does Steyr Arms mean when they say “Train for the Job You Want, Not the Job You Have”? There’s an old American cultural trope that...
Precision Rifle Shooting (PRS) is one of the hottest new shooting disciplines…and it’s easier than you think. Ever dreamed of getting so good with your gun...
What makes a Fueled by Ed Brown Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 such an awesome pistol? Imagine if you were able to take your favorite factory handgun and...