Nobody loves them, everybody hates them, they want us to eat worms! Isn’t it nice when the world’s elites get together and come up with ways...
Just for a minute, pretend that this article is about gaming consoles. Black Friday isn’t just the most popular shopping day of the year. It’s also...
Truth isn’t stranger than fiction. Usually, it’s just a lot dumber. Everyone remembers the movie Bambi–even if you’re not a hunter who felt a bit...
Hey Everyone! Remember when the gun-grabbers called us gun owners “terrorists”? Pepperidge Farm remembers! Just about four years ago, on the anniversary of the Al-Qaeda terrorist...
“If it saves just one life, isn’t it worth it?” That’s the mating call of the Lesser American Gun Banner, and you’ll hear it every time...
When even David Hogg says you’ve gone too far … … you have gone too far. New Mexico Governor Grisham has ambitions: Catching the eye...
You can make statistics say anything you want if the reader wants to believe them. But first, a public service announcement about a dangerous chemical! Ever...
We have nothing but respect for the rank-and-file officers who put their lives on the line every day. As astute readers, you’ve noticed that there’s something...
Once they find me face-up in a pile of brass, they can take it from my … Auto-Ordnance‘s new Cold Dead Hands 1911 is a patriotic...
“It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to...