Accessories & Gear
Your Gun is Ugly; XDMAN’s Fix is Pretty

Hello, Lovers! Lubricia Cosmoline here. I know it’s not Friday night, but I do like to come around when you’re least expecting. Black Friday deals are everywhere, but have you ever thought about using some of that money you saved buying presents for your loved ones and getting yourself a little something? Ever worried that old, dinged-up gun of yours is making you the laughingstock of the range? If you have, then you’ll be relieved to know that XDMAN is offering a Black Friday special that you just can’t miss—unless, of course, you remember to focus on the front sight! There’s no better way to tell you than to let you hear it from the master of all things Springfield Armory (and more), the madman, the legend, the dude with the awesome beard: XDMAN himself.
Hey, XDMAN here! When I’m not busy building the ULTIMATE HAWAII CONTRACTOR’S GUN, or trying to keep it out of Lubricia’s hands, I’m finding ways to make your ol’ reliable firearm just as pretty (and cheap) as Lubricia herself. So I’m HEEEYAAAH stoked to tell you that Friday is our second annual crazy-stupid-cheap Black Friday coating sale. You get the same quality work that we are known for at an insane price. You have no excuse to not get your slide customized or restored. Have a friend or loved one with a nasty-looking pistol? Give this coating as gift. Is your gun embarrassing you? For just $20.00 that ugly gun will be a distant memory! Click here to get in on this…and if you share this offer with your favorite group, just let me know when you share it and I’ll make sure you get some sweet-ass swag when we send your slide back.

I got my XDMAN rifle…now come get yours!
Are you a little confused about the…relationship between XDMAN and lil’ ole me, Lubricia Cosmoline? Well, it all goes back to something else I want to make sure you know about, and that is the After Dark: Raiders of the Lost Rifle Giveaway! We’re giving away one Diamondback, DB15WSB, Semi-automatic rifle, 223 Rem/556NATO, 16″ Black Barrel, Black Finish, 30Rd, 15″ MLOK Rail, 1 Metal Magazine, Valued at $524.99. But that’s not the best part; the best part is that you get to have XDMAN give you a custom paint job on that rifle with anything you like (within reason, ha!). That alone is worth $500, but the experience of working with XDMAN is beyond price. Trust me, I know…and if you don’t mind a little grown-up humor, you might enjoy the story of how XDMAN and I got so…friendly. If you’d just like to enter now without any preparation, well, it won’t be the first time for me! Click here…it’s time to get lucky. Our Raiders of the Lost Rifle Giveaway ends Friday, November 29, 2019 at midnight, so come as quick as you can.

What a sexy beast. The rifle’s pretty great too, but it’s mine and you can’t have it. Win your own!
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