Gun Rights
Updated! List of Gun-Grabbers Who Don’t Deserve Your Money

Yes, that trough is empty. Go ask Bloomie for more if you want it.
Today, we’ve learned that the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has updated its list of businesses and CEOs who push for increased gun control and prohibition, adding Gucci to the roster.
According to CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “We were reminded that Gucci donated $500,000 to the anti-gun March for Our Lives group started three years ago, and quickly was co-opted by the gun prohibition lobby.”
CCRKBA’s “Don’t Feed the Gun Prohibitionists” project has developed a dynamic list of businesses and CEOs who have been pushing for new legislation designed to impair the rights of law-abiding firearms owners. The current roster lists some 200 businesses and their CEOs.
“When we started this project last year,” Gottlieb recalled, “we were actually surprised, and in some cases disappointed, at some of the businesses we added to the list. We discovered several brand name businesses and corporate leaders who evidently have a nefarious agenda to limit gun rights. Their current and potential patrons should have the knowledge of what their hard earned dollars are actually funding.”
Gottlieb said a free market dictates the right of consumers to know about the products they purchase, and that includes knowing whether a business they support may be working in the shadows to erode their constitutional rights.
“We encourage people buy products from companies they can count on to not support efforts aimed at curtailing constitutional rights,” he explained. “By providing this information, we hope gun owning consumers are making reasonable decisions about which businesses to patronize. This might convince some businesses to re-think their core values.”
“We’re not calling for a boycott of these companies,” Gottlieb said. “Businesses and the people who own them can support whatever kind of philosophy they want, and gun owning consumers can likewise not spend any money with those firms. Let the marketplace decide. Over 100 million American gun owners represent a sizeable consumer bloc, and they will decide where they spend their money.”
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