By Interest
The Best Alternative To A Firearm? The Taser Pulse
With so much violence in the world, all individuals must opt for self-defense techniques and ways that will not be to damaging to the environment. If every individual begins to carry a gun around, eventually, there will be much brutality everywhere. Although safety and self-defense should be every individual’s primary concern, thinking about the environment is also important. So, if you are considering what’s the best alternative to a firearm? It’s the Taser Pulse.”
With this new self-defense weapon, individuals are protecting themselves without causing damage to the environment.
Taser Pulse: The New Necessity
Law enforcements have been heavily relying on Taser for the last 15 years as it has lived up to their true purpose. However, civilians have not tried this non-lethal weapon. Over the past few years, Taser has remained the primary choice of those who are in search of less-damaging yet 100% self-protection means. Luckily, with more and more people starting to realize the important of this tool, Taser is now becoming an essential self-defense equipment. This new non-lethal, police-proven, self-protection product is changing the game forever. That is why the best alternative to a firearm Is the Taser Pulse.
How Did It Start?
In 1995, Taser began its first sale with the Air Taser Model 34000. After getting much success in the law enforcement circles, Taser released the Taser M26 in 1999. The Taser M26 was the first ever and reliable substitute for baton strikes and pepper spray (these two products were widely used). This happened because it has the ability to set out two probes that were almost 21 feet away. It would send electoral currents under the skin to overshadow the voluntary muscles. It is also used as a device that would cause pain if it were directly placed on the skin. As it became more well-known, people began going for this as it was causing less damage to the recipient and the user.
A couple of years later, people finally knew the answer to the best alternative to a firearm, The Taser Pulse.
Things To Know About the Taser Pulse
- The Taser Pulse utilizes Neuro-Muscular Incapacitation that allows two hooked projectiles to enter into the recipient so it can stun them. For as long as the trigger stays down, it takes control of the recipient’s central nervous system temporarily that makes muscular control impossible for 30 seconds.
- Even though the best range to use this weapon is within 15 feet, if the barbs are pulled, the gun can still send a “contact stun.”
- In most cases, this Taser Pulse is legal as it is used by law enforcement authorities.
- The Taser Pulse comes with a laser to achieve the right target along with a strong LED flashlight, shaved safeties, angled sights and an indicator that tells the battery status.
- It is almost the size of a pistol.
- Taser has a replacement policy, which makes civilians grow fonder of this product. The policy state that if you are using this product for safety reasons and you file a report, the company will make sure your unit is replaced for free.
Pros Of Owning a Taser Pulse
- This safety weapon provides civilians with a 15-foot protection zone that is powered with 50,000 volts that are delivered with two probes and they can get into almost 2” of clothes.
- Since the Taser will shock the attacker, making him or her paralyzed for 30 seconds, the user will have time to drop and run.
- This device has a built-in direct contact stun gun back-up in case there is a missed target or if you misfire.
With the endless benefits and safety that is provided by the Taser Pulse, there is no reason for individuals to feel victimized. The Taser Pulse ensures all users are safe as they protect themselves without causing extreme damage. However, keep in mind, if used directly on the area, a person can potentially end up on the dead bed. Therefore, all users must be careful and keep a good distance when using the Taser Pulse. After all, what is the best alternative to a firearm? The Taser Pulse.
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