Because those who are determined to forget history, are doomed to repeat it. That’s why. The history of gun control in America begins and ends with...
All over the nation, left-leaning, anti-gun newspapers are failing. The New York Times‘ circulation has dropped by 50 percent in just eight years. The LA Times...
She wants to take your guns and get rid of the police … while you pay for it all, and her private security team too! Meet...
Finally, the grown-ups have joined the conversation about banning ammo sales to civilians from the Lake City plant. A few days ago, our friends at Freedom’s...
Ever read Dickens’ Great Expectations? In the classic novel, one of the central plot devices is a lawsuit called Jarndyce v Jarndyce, a contested inheritance case...
Every murder requires an autopsy. Eighteen murders require outrage … and the autopsy tells you why. The 18 victims of the Lewiston, Maine massacre deserved better...
Could someone please turn on Newsom’s heat lamp and feed him some crickets? (Image courtesy NSSF; snotty caption courtesy me.) The best way to describe the...
Nobody loves them, everybody hates them, they want us to eat worms! Isn’t it nice when the world’s elites get together and come up with ways...
Today, we have a very special guest post from the National Shooting Sports Foundation‘s Mark Oliva. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HONOR VETERANS...
The Brady Campaign is getting a gritty Hollywood reboot. (In other news, the Brady Campaign still exists! Who knew?) Readers could be forgiven for forgetting that...