It’s a Class of the Titans (Perseus couldn’t be reached for comment) … The 6.4-inch Titan 9 is the lightest, quietest, user-serviceable, compact Titanium Suppressor for handguns to...
Let’s take this thing full-circle, shall we? There aren’t many historic firearms more iconic than the Tommy Gun. From Winston Churchill to Bonnie and Clyde, everyone...
She wants to take your guns and get rid of the police … while you pay for it all, and her private security team too! Meet...
When I get that feeling, I want ballistic healing … Shooting is the most fun you can have with your pants on, and this month, we’re...
You’re alone in the dark, waiting, when the silence is broken by a chilling, inhuman warble and a storm of howls. Of course, there’s nothing scary...
If it’s medicine, why aren’t patients allowed to own firearms? There’s been a paradigm shift in the way America treats marijuana over the last 10 years....
When all the professional shooters, hunters, and gunwriters are willing to actually pay their own money … Here’s a little insider information about life as a...
Ever heard of the “Gun Violence Archive”? Sure you have … Every time you’ve read an above-the-fold, mainstream-news story about crimes committed using guns, the “gun...
Ever read Dickens’ Great Expectations? In the classic novel, one of the central plot devices is a lawsuit called Jarndyce v Jarndyce, a contested inheritance case...
You’d think the gun-grabbers would be ashamed to say these things … but if they had any shame, they wouldn’t be gun-grabbers, would they? A new...