That is not a beer belly … that’s a fuel tank for a shootin’ machine! I don’t know about you readers, but I’m a little tired...
You don’t need lead to get a good lead on a pheasant or chukar … just Fiocchi Upland Steel! Fiocchi may originally hail from Italy, but...
Call it the Scattergun Dilemma. So often, we shotgunners are expected to either settle for so-so performance from an affordable shotgun, or to pay the equivalent...
A Handgun for the Thunder God Pillager! Magnum Research introduces its third handgun influenced by Norse warrior culture, the “Viking L5 Desert Eagle”! If Thor had...
You spin me right round, like a record baby! Hunting, home defense, and target shooting all rolled up into one six-cylinder revolving shotgun … that’s the...
Hitting targets is easy in bright daylight. Too bad most criminal encounters don’t happen then … Today’s guest post comes to us courtesy of the Personal...
If your home is your castle, that makes you head Honcho. Wield a shotgun that shows it! What’s the checklist for a home defense gun? Well,...
Are you prepared to protect what you love? The idea of “protect what you love” tends to resonate, especially with people who are less inclined to...
Ever had a rifle shoot so well you just got tickled? It’s that moment when the crisp, clean trigger break ticks into a reset as you...
Which gun would you keep and bear, if you could only have one? The ideal “just one” handgun would be suitable for concealed carry and home...