You’d think the gun-grabbers would be ashamed to say these things … but if they had any shame, they wouldn’t be gun-grabbers, would they? A new...
“Reality cannot be ignored except at a price; and the longer the ignorance is persisted in, the higher and more terrible becomes the price that must...
Just for a minute, pretend that this article is about gaming consoles. Black Friday isn’t just the most popular shopping day of the year. It’s also...
Oh, those pesky facts! Always getting in the way of the Brave New World. In the below article from our friends at the National Shooting Sports...
Reality doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings, and neither do America’s hardened criminals. Voters do care about feelings, but new polling shows that more and more of...
Seems the Massachusetts state legislature would like to forget this whole “American Revolution” thing ever happened … The “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” may have echoed...
Maybe Bloomberg should have ponied up for some tents and umbrellas, a bouncy house … Many Second Amendment supporters don’t know just how much of the...
“It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to...
Projection is the psychological mechanism in which people “project” their own feelings and motives on someone else. Fittingly, the king of projection hails from the land...
You might be saying, “Michael Ian Who”? Here’s a little reminder … Michael Ian Black used to have a career as a comedian, until it became...