Laws & Rights
SAD! Proof Biden Can’t Tell Handguns From Rifles

How sad is it that the press figured this out before the president?
Biden’s handlers really need to stop letting him talk after 3 p.m.
Mayo clinic: Sundowning: A state of confusion occurring in the late afternoon and lasting into the night. Sundowning can cause different behaviors, such as confusion, anxiety, aggression or ignoring directions. Sundowning can also lead to pacing or wandering.
As Guns & Gadgets Daily readers are no doubt aware, a few days ago a troubled young man murdered three University of Virginia students and wounded two others. He used a handgun to commit those murders, not a rifle of any kind. That doesn’t matter to Joe Biden, because very little matters to Joe Biden these days besides what flavor of pudding cup he’s getting for snacktime. Apparently his handlers gave him tapioca instead of chocolate the other day, because he had an embarrassing little on-camera tantrum that the press will ignore. That’s okay, because we and our friends at the Second Amendment Foundation are on the case …
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today said the Biden White House’s call for a ban on so-called “assault weapons” in response to the murder of three University of Virginia students in which a handgun was used is “a dishonest exploitation of a tragedy in a deplorable effort to advance Joe Biden’s gun ban agenda.”
“This isn’t a case of Joe Biden making a typical gaffe,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “This was a deliberate attempt by the administration to advance a cause to which Biden has been committed since he arrived in Washington 50 years ago.
“Joe Biden often doesn’t even know what state or country he’s in,” Gottlieb added, “but he knows exactly what he’s doing whenever an opportunity to push gun control comes along. And he is constantly disingenuous about it. Even the anti-gun-rights Washington Post has called Biden out for lying about guns by giving him multiple Pinocchio awards.”
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre issued a statement in which she blatantly politicized the triple slaying that took the lives of Devin Chandler, D’Sean Perry and Lavel Davis, Jr.
“Too many families across America are bearing the awful burden of gun violence,” the statement said. “Earlier this year, President Biden signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly three decades, in addition to taking other historic actions. But we must do more. We need to enact an assault weapons ban to get weapons of war off America’s streets. House Democrats acted, and the Senate should follow.”
“This horrible crime had absolutely nothing to do with so-called ‘assault weapons,’ and the White House knows it,” Gottlieb said. “The statement, which the president had to have approved, amounts to a crass exploitation of a tragedy in a deplorable effort to advance Joe Biden’s gun ban agenda. He has fully embraced the despicable tactic of never letting a crisis go to waste, no matter how awful the situation.
“I cannot imagine, or maybe I just don’t want to, the kind of thought process that compels Biden or any other gun grabber to be so callous,” he stated. “It’s almost like a Freudian reflex for the Biden bunch to call for an ‘assault weapons’ ban regardless of the actual facts. Joe Biden has a one-track mind when it comes to guns, and he’s been off the rails for years.”
“A president that constantly lies about guns only further divides our nation,” Gottlieb said, “and severely diminishes the chances of actually solving the problem of violent crime.”
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