Who knew the sound of one hand clapping was quite so loud? Auto-Ordnance, the company that’s most famous for its...
She wants to take your guns and get rid of the police … while you pay for it all, and her private security team too! Meet...
When I get that feeling, I want ballistic healing … Shooting is the most fun you can have with your pants on, and this month, we’re...
Finally, the grown-ups have joined the conversation about banning ammo sales to civilians from the Lake City plant. A few days ago, our friends at Freedom’s...
You’re alone in the dark, waiting, when the silence is broken by a chilling, inhuman warble and a storm of howls. Of course, there’s nothing scary...
If it’s medicine, why aren’t patients allowed to own firearms? There’s been a paradigm shift in the way America treats marijuana over the last 10 years....
When all the professional shooters, hunters, and gunwriters are willing to actually pay their own money … Here’s a little insider information about life as a...
Ever heard of the “Gun Violence Archive”? Sure you have … Every time you’ve read an above-the-fold, mainstream-news story about crimes committed using guns, the “gun...
Ever read Dickens’ Great Expectations? In the classic novel, one of the central plot devices is a lawsuit called Jarndyce v Jarndyce, a contested inheritance case...
You’d think the gun-grabbers would be ashamed to say these things … but if they had any shame, they wouldn’t be gun-grabbers, would they? A new...
Breaking: NRA‘s longstanding CEO has resigned on the eve of a trial for corruption and graft. Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s long-time leader, announced his resignation from...