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XDMAN: Check the Talons on This Baby Eagle (from Magnum Research)!



The Magnum Research Baby Eagle III has one impressive set of grandparents. From the tried-and-true, combat-proven CZ-75 design, which inspired the Israeli Weapon Industries Jericho 941, which then inspired the all-metal Baby Eagle. The all-metal Baby Eagle engendered the third-generation, polymer-framed Baby Eagle III, the lightest and most refined Baby Eagle yet. In this review, I’m taking the Baby out for a test flight.

Remember the pedigree of the Baby Eagle III? Israelis build everything for combat as if their lives depend on it (because they do). These are combat, not bulls-eye style pistols. With a bulls-eye pistol, you line up the sights and put the front sight underneath the bulls-eye and your impact will be on top of the front sight. With a combat-style pistol and sights, you are lining up the 3 dots of the sights. Then with both eyes open you super-impose the front sight dot covering the target.

If you do that, the Baby Eagle III shoots like a dream. Want one of your own? Well, you can cage the eagle right here! And hey, while you’re watching, why not give me a follow? All the tacticool kids are doing it!

–—James Nicholas “XDMAN” Mr. UnPewFessional Himself!

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