The E in EDC usually stands for “everyday,” but today? It means “extraordinary.” Extraordinary because we’re giving away not one...
They know that argument goes both ways, right? Here, from the NRA’s official Twitter account, is proof positive that one of the most brutally unkind things...
The Shakespeare quote about “Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing” is relevant here. I am looking into 3-D Plastic Guns being sold to the public. Already spoke...
You’ve got 25 chances to win from August 1st through August 25th! If you’re one of those people who “never win anything,” have we ever got...
Capacity Never Trumps Reliability GENESEO, ILL. (8/01/18) – The next generation of the most popular pistol ever produced by Springfield Armory is now available in the...
Carrying a concealed firearm in public is your right—and it’s also a matter of extreme seriousness and responsibility. There are a number of considerations that one...
A very wise man once said, “There’s dumb, damn dumb, and this list of videos that’s about to follow.” That very wise man was me, and...
(Or piano, or football, or cheerleading) Any parent can tell you that the most magical time of year is not Christmas, but the advent of “back...
“We Don’t Dial 911,” “Keep Honking, I’m Reloading,” “Home Security By Smith & Wesson.” You’ve seen them: bumper stickers, wooden signs posted over doors—all proclaiming that...
In the interest of fairness, we occasionally enlist the wisdom of anti-gun expert Ima Nidiot, Kindergarten Color Guard mascot and personification of the word “moist.” Take it away,...
Protip: All of these work for men, too! I recently wrote a satirical piece about how not to introduce a woman to the shooting sports, but the importance of...