Gun Owners of America isn’t new, but its level of outreach just might be. As we noted in our last edition of Guns & Gadgets Daily,...
The jury deliberated for five days, and on Friday evening, rendered its verdict: Guilty. Well, not exactly. This wasn’t a criminal trial … although there may...
All over the nation, left-leaning, anti-gun newspapers are failing. The New York Times‘ circulation has dropped by 50 percent in just eight years. The LA Times...
She wants to take your guns and get rid of the police … while you pay for it all, and her private security team too! Meet...
You’d think the gun-grabbers would be ashamed to say these things … but if they had any shame, they wouldn’t be gun-grabbers, would they? A new...
Breaking: NRA‘s longstanding CEO has resigned on the eve of a trial for corruption and graft. Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s long-time leader, announced his resignation from...
Every murder requires an autopsy. Eighteen murders require outrage … and the autopsy tells you why. The 18 victims of the Lewiston, Maine massacre deserved better...
Could someone please turn on Newsom’s heat lamp and feed him some crickets? (Image courtesy NSSF; snotty caption courtesy me.) The best way to describe the...
“Reality cannot be ignored except at a price; and the longer the ignorance is persisted in, the higher and more terrible becomes the price that must...
Nobody loves them, everybody hates them, they want us to eat worms! Isn’t it nice when the world’s elites get together and come up with ways...