Laws & Rights
Wisconsin School Shooting Proves Nobody’s Home in the Oval Office
As the Biden admin’s sun sets, the shadows it casts tell us everything about what he and his handlers are really about.
On Monday, a 15-year-old girl shot several of her fellow students and school staff, wounding many and killing two before turning the 9mm pistol on herself. As per Guns & Gadgets Daily policy, the shooter will receive a childish insult for a nickname, which we will use exclusively (Shartburp). Details as to Shartburp’s motive are scarce, and that’s a good thing, because there is no motive that excuses the action. Nor is there any reason to dignify any of Shartburp’s complaints, if she had any.
Some motivations, however, are very clear indeed. The reaction we’ve seen from the press and from the Biden administration tells us exactly what drives them. For example, whoever programmed Biden’s teleprompter didn’t bother checking to see what kind of weapon Shartburp used before sending our Fossil-in-Chief out to comment on the matter. Shartburp used a 9mm handgun, so naturally Biden called for a ban on “assault weapons.” Shartburp was 15 (and will be forever), and therefore ineligible to own any kind of firearm, so naturally Biden called for “universal background checks.”
I’d say that the anti-gunners have gone beyond parody, but the fact is that they crossed that line a long time ago. What this is really like is a 1980s-era Apple IIC running a BASIC program: If X, then Y. (“If school shooting, then try for assault weapon ban. If assault weapon ban loses, then wait for school shooting.”) It’s so mindless that it would fail any Turing test we put it to.
That’s because nobody is home in the Oval Office. If Biden had a single capable speechwriter left, that person could have tailored their exploitation a little more closely to the actual incident. But he doesn’t. Instead, he has someone literally copying and pasting portions of speeches he’s given in the past for him to lip-synch over.
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) has noticed, too.
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms condemns President Joe Biden’s crass exploitation of Monday’s tragic school shooting incident at a private Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin, in an effort to push his tired—and in this case irrelevant, past its expiration date—gun ban agenda.
“With just over one month remaining in his disastrous term,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “Joe Biden just couldn’t restrain himself from once again rolling out his one-size-fits-all gun control wish list in his statement from the White House. Demanding that Congress quickly pass universal background check (registration) legislation and ban so-called ‘assault weapons’ and ‘high-capacity magazines’ in response to this terrible crime is one of the stupidest, but expected reactions from a career gun prohibitionist whose history of gaffes is legendary.
“Joe Biden knows 15-year-olds can’t legally buy handguns anywhere in this country,” Gottlieb continued, “so a call for background checks is irrelevant. Police have recovered a handgun which was used in the shooting, so calling for a ban on semiautomatic rifles and their magazines is also irrelevant and dishonest. Indeed, such demands underscore just how irrelevant Joe Biden and his gun ban agenda have become.”
There was no armed school resource officer to protect the children at Abundant Life Christian School, according to published reports.
“We join all Americans in deploring this horrible crime,” Gottlieb said, “but attempting to penalize every law-abiding citizen who owns or may someday wish to purchase a firearm will not undo the tragedy. Biden, and his fellow gun prohibitionists all know the incident in Madison would not have been prevented, even if all of the laws he now wants passed had already been in effect. It is dishonest to suggest otherwise, but, of course, honesty has hardly been the earmark of the Biden administration.
“In the aftermath of this tragedy, common sense and cooler heads must prevail,” he observed. “Instead of shooting-from-the-lip, as Biden has done throughout his 50-plus years in politics, we look forward to working with the next administration on rational preventive measures and intelligent solutions, such as armed resource officers and improved mental health counseling, instead of spewing specious sound-bite suggestions which shift blame from the perpetrator to a constitutionally-enumerated fundamental right.”
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