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When the Lies Die: Presidential Debate 2024 Buries Anti-Gun MSM, Too



Pick me a winner, Joe! (This screenshot was taken nanoseconds before CNN cut to commercial.)

It’s not just Joe Biden’s candidacy that perished last night on the debate stage.

Reams are being written about the first (and perhaps only) Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump debate. Most of that analysis is currently about the absolute insanity, the utter gibberish, that was flowing from President Biden on that stage. That’s only natural; after all, our current President claimed that women are being raped by their “brothers and sisters” at one point, and he definitely started picking his nose right before CNN decided to cut to commercial. We all just witnessed the President of the United States doddering onstage as if he were waiting for his turn to board the group-home bus. It was shocking, even for those of us who already knew that Biden is undergoing a serious, precipitous decline.

And that’s the part that not enough people are talking about. Everyone who was paying attention to video footage of Biden interacting with people has been saying that Biden isn’t competent. This has gone on for years. And all the while, the mainstream media insisted that Biden was strong and vital. When we saw Biden enter the Vatican wearing one pair of pants and leave wearing a different pair, the “fact checkers” were out in force to assure us that he hadn’t soiled himself. That videos of Biden stumbling and mumbling were “cheap fakes.”

Let us not forget the smugness, the sheer condescending mealy-mouthed smugness with which those “fact checks” were delivered. Let us not forget headline after headline assuring us that Biden was at the top of his game. Biden may be slow, but the lies and the spin about his slowness were clocking along at about 90 mph into this debate.

And then the lies finally made contact with the immovable bedrock of reality last night. It was live. It couldn’t be faked. We all saw what we saw, and we all heard what we heard. It’s proof, concrete proof, that the Democratic establishment and its media mouthpieces have been openly lying all along. Anyone who watched what we watched last night and still believes the media can be trusted about anything related to Biden or the election is as probably facing the same diagnosis that Biden is.

This is the same mainstream media that uncritically repeats anything that Everytown for Gun Safety squeezes out. The same mainstream media that lost its mind over 3D printing “ghost guns.” The same media that screams about “gun show loopholes” and “automatic weapons of war on our streets.” The same media that blames gun manufacturers for the actions of criminals and burbles about how “innovative” the lawsuits are.

The panic that you saw last night as CNN’s commentators realized that they couldn’t spin Biden’s performance? That panic wasn’t just about the fact that they all watched Biden dig a grave for his candidacy live on stage. That panic was because the headstone at the top of that grave reads “Here Lies the MSM’s Credibility.”


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