By Interest
WATCH: Civil Unrest & Conflict Avoidance

This important message for self-defenders and Second Amendment supporters comes to us from our friends at the Personal Defense Network. Click on the picture above to watch the video!
We have had a lot of turmoil this year. This has included civil unrest over social issues and frustration related to the coronavirus and the restrictions put in place due to it. These have been stressors on the ideas of conflict avoidance and de-escalation.
Within the self-defense community, conflict avoidance and de-escalation are among the most important self-defense concepts. Whenever possible, you should avoid conflict and de-escalate existing conflict. This is important even if you don’t carry a firearm — for example, we teach these concepts to our children. But when you carry a firearm, your responsibility to avoid conflict rises to another level, because any time you get into a conflict, there is at least one lethal tool in the mix.
If you have strong feelings about an issue and feel the need to jump into an existing argument, this is the opposite of conflict avoidance, and you are potentially becoming part of the problem. Rob suggests avoiding these situations entirely, especially if you are a concealed carry holder.
On the other hand, if you want to protest and make your opinions known, you are free to do so. But attending an event where you are fairly certain there is going to be conflict, Rob suggests thinking twice about carrying a gun to such an event, or not going at all if there is a likelihood of rioting or other violence.
Rob has other advice on this timely topic, so be sure to watch the entire video!
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