Today, we have a very special guest post from the National Shooting Sports Foundation‘s Mark Oliva. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HONOR VETERANS...
The Brady Campaign is getting a gritty Hollywood reboot. (In other news, the Brady Campaign still exists! Who knew?) Readers could be forgiven for forgetting that...
Truth isn’t stranger than fiction. Usually, it’s just a lot dumber. Everyone remembers the movie Bambi–even if you’re not a hunter who felt a bit...
When even David Hogg says you’ve gone too far … … you have gone too far. New Mexico Governor Grisham has ambitions: Catching the eye...
Oh, those pesky facts! Always getting in the way of the Brave New World. In the below article from our friends at the National Shooting Sports...
Why don’t they just go ahead and melt the Liberty Bell down into fidget spinners? If you were a comic-book villain bent on destroying an entire...
You can make statistics say anything you want if the reader wants to believe them. But first, a public service announcement about a dangerous chemical! Ever...
Reality doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings, and neither do America’s hardened criminals. Voters do care about feelings, but new polling shows that more and more of...
Seems the Massachusetts state legislature would like to forget this whole “American Revolution” thing ever happened … The “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” may have echoed...
How to Tell When a Mass Shooting Will be Politicized: In December 2019, I wrote this: “The first and most important factor is the shooter’s sex,...