Ever watched a shoot-em-up movie and wished you could have that endless-ammo option that the “good guy guns” all seem to have? You know what I’m...
Spring is sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where the pew-pews is! That silly old rhyme is being re-vibed for 2025 with our hottest spring...
We’re in receipt of the following VERY interesting notification from NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). But first, a word … “It’s like Daddy just got...
Let’s begin today’s story with the number of Americans who have been sickened by lead fragments in donated meat: ZERO. But that doesn’t matter to Bloomberg’s...
Now that USAID is Tango Uniform, it’s the ATF’s turn to bend over and grease up. And it really couldn’t happen to a nicer group of...
All together now: Thank you, Donald J. Trump! The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) join...
In January of 2022, Smith & Wesson introduced a new micro-compact pistol featuring an aluminum alloy frame, called the CSX. Since Smlith & Wesson released its...
David Hogg is now the Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), and he left a massive, smelly hole in the mire. In a move that...
My, what a big sting you have … CZ Scorpion fans can now buy a ready-to-shoot Scorpion 3+ Carbine tricked out with popular Magpul furniture and...
Seems everyone’s coming out with a line of whisper pickles these days … but these are different. Big news from BERSA, which has just launched a...