Why do they want to ban body armor so badly? AR500 Armor designs and manufactures civilian-legal body armor at affordable prices, which makes anti-gunners furious. As...
Spring forward? Spring back? Forget the alarm clock, it’s time for a self-defense guns and gear giveaway! Click here to enter! March 2021 is roaring in...
The 2019 Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show exhibition floor might be closed, but you can still win the best swag bag of all! If...
Body armor can’t protect you unless you wear it… Whatever your reasons may be for wanting to wear body armor, everyone agrees on one thing: It’s...
Confidence Under Duress is Your Right! Langdon Tactical offers hundreds of products—from accessories, to custom trigger work, to tactical firearms training, to CCW Safe self-defense coverage—but...