Next to me in the blackness lay my oiled blue steel beauty. The greatest Christmas gift I had ever received, or would ever receive … I...
Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animals! Auto-Ordnance, the original (and still the best) manufacturer of the Tommy Gun, has created some truly outstanding limited-edition and custom Tommies...
Riggs, if you think I’m gonna eat the world’s lousiest Christmas turkey by myself, you’re crazy… Contrary to the uninformed opinions of my colleague, the best...
Looking for a holster with real retention? Ask Santa! Even jolly old elves need a little personal protection from bogeys, airborne and otherwise. Trouble is that...
Hans Gruber: You know my name, but who are you? Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt...
Don your ugliest Christmas sweater, fire up the DVR, and remember that you won’t shoot your eye out. Forget visions of sugar plums: The best Christmas...
Everytown for Gun Safety is currently full-auto mag-dumping in their Underoos … File this latest development under “dreams come true,” in which the Supreme Court’s 2022...
Because being grey is sexy … especially if you carry concealed. Why would you want to be a “grey man” (or woman, as the case may...
“Vexillum” means “Flag” in Latin, and “EDC Excellence” in CIVIVI! The good folks at CIVIVI want your everyday carry (EDC) knife and gun to be best...
Let’s be honest with ourselves: The answer is probably “no.” Or at least, “not yet.” Precision shooting with a pistol can be difficult. Precision shooting with...