My, what a big sting you have … CZ Scorpion fans can now buy a ready-to-shoot Scorpion 3+ Carbine tricked...
Sometimes, when they think nobody’s paying attention, the Deep State says the quiet part out loud! And what’s more, now is probably the best time in...
Justin Opinion: the Stoeger STR-9 Combat X is budget-friendly AND match-ready! Usually, those two terms are mutually exclusive. Most match-ready race guns start in the four...
Here we are in the middle of summer, but for the next two days the weather is not the only thing that’s hot. Let’s take a...
What was your very first thought when you heard Trump survived an assassination attempt? Was it “It must have been a Leftist, because he missed”? Me,...
They say that “thicc thighs saves lives,” and they might be right, but today we’re talking about the short, fat, and all-new Silencer Central Banish Speed...
The fog of war surrounding the battle for the White House is obscuring one of the most critical Supreme Court decisions of the last 50 years....
KFI believes that budget-friendly shotguns can shoot better than king’s-ransom scatterguns. So often, we shotgunners are expected to either settle for so-so performance from an affordable...
Meet the top-of-the-line, no-holds-barred “Gucci” AR-15 from Daniel Defense! Everyone knows that AR-15s cover the gamut from bare-bones starter models to bespoke, tricked-out designer rifles. Have...
Clean-up on Aisle 46! The first presidential debate of 2024 was one for the record books, showcasing as it did that the White House and its...
Through the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air … America’s founders forged, tested, and proved our freedom to the sight of gunfire, the smell...