Laws & Rights
NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Goes Mask-Off On Gun Rights

PUT IT BACK ON. (Image courtesy NSSF. Snarky caption courtesy Mo Rockwell.)
Dear Governor Hochul: Your Freudian slip is showing.
As alert GGD readers already know, the unelected New York governor Kathy Hochul’s mask of sanity has finally slipped. Seems the news that the Supreme Court’s recent Bruen decision–which very specifically struck down New York’s “may issue” carry laws–has erased the final remnants of what Hochul has the nerve to call her mind. That’s because, in order to continue believing what she desperately wants to believe about gun rights, she has to carefully ignore the Constitution, the will of the people of New York, and reality itself. Governor Hochul doesn’t believe in the facts, but she’s about to learn something very important: The facts don’t need her to believe them in order to be true.
For the facts that Hochul is going to keep ignoring until she is forced to stop by her electorate, we’re turning it over to our friend Larry Keane with the NSSF … take it away, Larry!
It only took 30 seconds, that’s all. New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul held a press conference calling back her state’s legislature for an “extraordinary” session to pass more gun control after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down New York’s restrictive and subjective “may issue” pistol permit license scheme.
In 30 seconds, she vocalized why her gun control agenda is destined to fail.
Failed Approach
Gov. Hochul exclaimed, “I’m absolutely shocked,” after the Supreme Court held in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen that the Second Amendment protects the right of law-abiding Americans to carry a firearm in public for self-protection. She shouldn’t be. It only takes a simple reading of the actual amendment.
She called her state’s Democratically-controlled legislature back to Albany to restrict where licensed conceal carry permit holders can lawfully carry their firearms. The new laws include even more restrictive provisions like background checks and a state database for ammunition purchases, increased training requirements to obtain the permit, a mandatory sit-down, in-person interview and even requiring applicants to submit social media accounts for content review.
“Do you have the numbers to show that it’s the concealed carry permit holders that are committing crimes? The lawful gun owner will say you’re attacking the wrong person,” asked Albany-based CBS 6 News anchor Anne McCloy. “It’s really people that are getting these guns illegally that are causing the violence, not the people that are going to get the permit legally and that’s the basis for the whole Supreme Court argument. Do you have the numbers?”
“I don’t need to have numbers,” the governor shot back. “I don’t have to have a data point to point to to say this is going to matter.”
That’s what is called “the tell.” These laws aren’t aimed at stopping criminals. They’re designed to rob law-abiding citizens of their rights.
What’s The Data Say?
Some estimates suggest New York has more than 200,000 conceal carry permit holders. For the entire United States, it’s over 21.5 million. These are law-abiding gun owners that meet state requirements and were approved after an FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) verification. New York is one of the states with the most stringent conceal carry requirements.
The actual data shows concealed carry permit holders are among the most law-abiding people in America. The Heritage Foundation’s 2019 data says, “… concealed-carry permit holders accounted for 801 firearm-related homicides over a 15-year span, which amounts to roughly 0.7% of all firearm-related homicides during that time.”
A Fox News report paints a picture Gov. Hochul would rather ignore. According to the FBI, Census Bureau and Rand Corporation data, states with lower rates of gun ownership and more restrictive gun control – like New York – have more firearm murders per 100,000 residents as a percentage of gun-owning population than states with high gun owner rates.
New York ranks fifth, with just 19.9 percent of households saying they possess a firearm and 1.53 firearm homicides per 100,000 residents. The Violence Policy Center attempted to “fact check” a claim about concealed carry holders committing fewer crimes but ended up “revealing” there were 37 firearm incidents (not specifically intentional homicide) involving concealed carry permit holders between May 2007 and May 2022. That’s less than 2.5 per year in the entire country.
Crime rates, especially in New York City, continue to climb.
Gov. Hochul and Albany Democrats praised themselves for their “fast work” to jam through more restrictions on law-abiding New Yorkers. The policies won’t stop criminals from perpetrating their crimes. It will, however, turn law-abiding New Yorkers into criminals overnight when enacted in a few months.
Gov. Hochul isn’t to be bothered with facts. She’s doesn’t need the data or the science. She doesn’t even need to focus laws on holding criminals accountable. When it comes to gun rights, Gov. Hochul needs only the echo chamber of New York’s legislature to nod in agreement as they strip New Yorkers of their rights.
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