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Mainstream Media Just Can’t Stop Lying About Guns. Why?



If they had any honesty, they’d just drop that index finger.

The mainstream media cannot and will not stop lying about the Second Amendment, and they don’t care that you know.

Today, we’re in receipt of a very interesting new poll courtesy of the Second Amendment Foundation, but the most interesting part isn’t the poll itself, but the conclusions you have to draw from it. You and I have known for a very long time that the mainstream media openly and blatantly lies about the Second Amendment, about guns, about how they work, and about gun owners. Now it appears that the majority of people who identify as Democrats and Independents know it, too.

Here’s the thing: The media knows that we know they’re lying. They read the comments we leave on their articles before they delete them. They’ve received concerned calls and letters from people they trust–people on their side–telling them that they’re printing and filming falsehoods. They simply don’t care. As SAF’s Alan Gottlieb asks, “Why?”

Of course, we can only speculate at this point. But I’ll ask you to think about the last time your boss told you to do something that you knew was counterproductive and dumb. In the end, what do you do when the guy who signs your paycheck gives you an order? You say “Yes, boss,” and you make it happen.

I’ll also ask you to think about the last time a cop pulled you over. In that moment, while you are on the side of the road with your hazards on, you’ll do whatever little song and dance that cop demands–even though you both know that you’re cold sober and only crossed the double-yellow line because you’re tired–because he’s the one who has the might of the U.S. Government behind him.

My belief is that the media won’t stop lying about guns because they are either being paid or forced to do so. That means the real question isn’t “why,” but “who.”

For the details, we’re turning it over to the SAF!


A new national poll on media accuracy and bias reveals a majority of Americans are concerned about accuracy and bias when it comes to national media reporting on gun violence and Second Amendment issues.

The poll was conducted for the Second Amendment Foundation by McLaughlin & Associates, a national survey research and strategic services company specializing in public opinion research and media planning. SAF was not involved in crafting survey questions or the actual polling.

According to McLaughlin, an overwhelming 71.9 percent of Americans are concerned about media bias at news networks such as ABC, CBS and NBC, including 34.3 percent who are “very concerned” and 37.6 percent who are “somewhat concerned.” Only one in four are not concerned about media bias on gun issues.

“While some may be surprised by the survey results,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “we’re actually not, which amounts to a sad commentary on the state of the establishment media today. The firearms community has felt for a long time that Second Amendment issues do not get a fair shake, and this survey strongly reinforces that impression.”

“Clearly the vast majority of Americans have lost faith in the national media when it comes to reporting honestly and fairly about gun violence and Second Amendment issues,” said veteran pollster Jim McLaughlin, president and partner at McLaughlin and Associates. “Interestingly, not only are Republicans (83%) suspect of the information they receive, but Independents (69%) and even Democrats (63%) are worried about bias on Second Amendment and gun violence issues.”

Gottlieb said guns, crime and the Second Amendment are going to be major issues in the 2024 presidential and congressional elections, and the McLaughlin survey exposes a major concern for gun owners and activists.

“If media bias on this issue is so clear to Americans,” Gottlieb observed, “it raises the question as to why?”


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