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Lewiston Tragedy: Biden & Newsom Waltz in the Blood



They should be ashamed, but they aren’t.

In the wake of the mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, on Wednesday evening, much is still a mystery. At the time of this writing, the murderer remains at large. Information about his possible motive is scattered and contradictory (although it’s clear that he was experiencing mental health problems). There’s a lot we don’t know yet about the Lewiston massacre, but there’s one thing we do know: Gun-grabbers are rejoicing. How do we know this? On average, it takes a human body to reach room temperature in 6-8 hours. The antis were on TV in 4. They literally didn’t wait for the victims’ bodies to cool before they began demanding more gun control. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is holding their feet to the fire, and so should we.



President Joe Biden and California Gov. Gavin Newsom have predictably reacted like vultures in the aftermath of the terrible mass shooting incident in Maine to push gun control schemes which would not have prevented the outrage, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms stated.

“Gov. Newsom is demanding adoption of a waiting period in Maine,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “and President Biden wants ‘universal background checks’ and safe storage laws, and both of them know none of these proposals would have prevented what happened Wednesday evening. They’ve pounced like craven political opportunists in hopes of using this tragedy to stir up public emotions in an effort to push gun restrictions they’ve been promoting for years.

“Biden has wanted to ban semiautomatic rifles for years,” Gottlieb continued, “when he knows rifles of any kind are involved in a fraction of murders, and he also knows there are millions of law-abiding owners of such firearms who have harmed nobody. Why should honest citizens be penalized for the rampage of one clearly disturbed individual with documented mental health issues?

“The president also wants to repeal the federal law protecting gun manufacturers from junk lawsuits,” he added, “which has absolutely nothing to do with this case and he knows it. Joe Biden is throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, which is what anti-gunners do every time there is a tragedy upon which they might capitalize. It is a disgusting process we have seen time and again.

“Meanwhile,” he noted, “media reports show many local residents immediately armed themselves, such as Lewiston Councilman Robert McCarthy, who told a CNN reporter ‘We locked the doors. We grabbed the guns.’ Other reports revealed local residents who did not have firearms said they wished they had guns. Biden’s gun control schemes would keep those people disarmed.

“This is deplorable political posturing,” Gottlieb stated. “Biden, Newsom and other gun prohibitionists are dragging out the same tired agenda which they have always proposed. They have simply repackaged it with the events in Lewiston, Maine, which is a disgusting exploitation of a horrible crime. They ought to be ashamed of themselves.”


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