This is what it took to end Gary, Indiana’s 25 years of stupid! For a quarter century, gun-grabbers have been endlessly suing a number of gun...
Imagine whining on national television about how nobody likes you, while simultaneously proving exactly why nobody likes you. For you, it’s a thought experiment. For ATF...
Have you noticed that there are two kinds of “science” in the media lately? The first kind of science is the kind that you and I...
There are several excellent reasons why gun-trace data has been legally protected since 2003, and one very stupid one for illegally releasing it. What’s happened is...
Gun Owners of America isn’t new, but its level of outreach just might be. As we noted in our last edition of Guns & Gadgets Daily,...
The jury deliberated for five days, and on Friday evening, rendered its verdict: Guilty. Well, not exactly. This wasn’t a criminal trial … although there may...
Because those who are determined to forget history, are doomed to repeat it. That’s why. The history of gun control in America begins and ends with...
All over the nation, left-leaning, anti-gun newspapers are failing. The New York Times‘ circulation has dropped by 50 percent in just eight years. The LA Times...
She wants to take your guns and get rid of the police … while you pay for it all, and her private security team too! Meet...
If it’s medicine, why aren’t patients allowed to own firearms? There’s been a paradigm shift in the way America treats marijuana over the last 10 years....