Common sense, the Second Amendment, and California citizens caught a win! The Second Amendment Foundation is celebrating a victory in California as a U.S. District Court...
Hey Everyone! Remember when the gun-grabbers called us gun owners “terrorists”? Pepperidge Farm remembers! Just about four years ago, on the anniversary of the Al-Qaeda terrorist...
“If it saves just one life, isn’t it worth it?” That’s the mating call of the Lesser American Gun Banner, and you’ll hear it every time...
When even David Hogg says you’ve gone too far … … you have gone too far. New Mexico Governor Grisham has ambitions: Catching the eye...
If you live in one of these six states and have had your rights infringed, your case can help fix this problem for everyone! Two days...
This is more than just the usual Californication… California Gov. Newsom, the current dark-horse Democratic candidate for 2024, has finally done something revolutionary: He read the...
Oh, those pesky facts! Always getting in the way of the Brave New World. In the below article from our friends at the National Shooting Sports...
You can make statistics say anything you want if the reader wants to believe them. But first, a public service announcement about a dangerous chemical! Ever...
How to Tell When a Mass Shooting Will be Politicized: In December 2019, I wrote this: “The first and most important factor is the shooter’s sex,...
We have nothing but respect for the rank-and-file officers who put their lives on the line every day. As astute readers, you’ve noticed that there’s something...