The firearms industry saw this clip and said, “You know what? How about no, Kamala?” What do they mean when they say “woke”? Well, you’re supposed...
Imagine my delight when I learned there was an anti-gun candidate for Montana Governor named Bussy Excuse me, “Busse.” (If you’re not familiar with what that...
Is there anything funnier than anti-gunners who cry foul and accuse you of bullying for quoting them accurately? One of the most remarkable things about the...
One of the National Rifle Association’s crown jewels is its National Firearms Museum in Fairfax, Va. Located on the ground floor of the NRA’s headquarters building, the 15,000 sq.-ft. museum...
We were all too busy laughing at Cheatle’s pathetic testimony to pause and laugh at Connolly’s pathetic questions. Let’s remedy that now! Did you tune in...
Sometimes, when they think nobody’s paying attention, the Deep State says the quiet part out loud! And what’s more, now is probably the best time in...
What was your very first thought when you heard Trump survived an assassination attempt? Was it “It must have been a Leftist, because he missed”? Me,...
The fog of war surrounding the battle for the White House is obscuring one of the most critical Supreme Court decisions of the last 50 years....
STOCK UP ON TOILET PAPER! DON’T GO OUTSIDE OR YOU MIGHT CATCH A CASE OF THE GLOCKS! If you require any further evidence that the Biden...
The Supreme Court has ruled that it’s Constitutional to confiscate guns from people under restraining orders. The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) has some quibbles … Friday,...