Hunter Biden is just like you and me … only BETTER! For most Americans, lying on the form that we must complete–Form 4473–when we purchase a...
Every election season, gun-grabbers remember that private gun transfers are still perfectly legal after 250 years. Thing is, they know as well as we do that...
Because those who are determined to forget history, are doomed to repeat it. That’s why. The history of gun control in America begins and ends with...
Ever heard of the “Gun Violence Archive”? Sure you have … Every time you’ve read an above-the-fold, mainstream-news story about crimes committed using guns, the “gun...
Ever read Dickens’ Great Expectations? In the classic novel, one of the central plot devices is a lawsuit called Jarndyce v Jarndyce, a contested inheritance case...
They should be ashamed, but they aren’t. In the wake of the mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, on Wednesday evening, much is still a mystery. At...
Why don’t they just go ahead and melt the Liberty Bell down into fidget spinners? If you were a comic-book villain bent on destroying an entire...