Now that USAID is Tango Uniform, it’s the ATF’s turn to bend over and grease up. And it really couldn’t happen to a nicer group of...
It’s official: The days of targeting law-abiding gun owners are over. Yesterday, gun owners all over America were given the best kind of gift … Kash....
The best advice my grandpa ever gave me was this: When people tell you who they are, believe them. And right now, Congressman Robert Garcia (D-Calif.)...
… but given that I forgot it even exists until now, I say that there’s “no need” for Rhode Island. It’s the same story that we’ve...
All together now: Thank you, Donald J. Trump! The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) join...
Image courtesy NSSF One of the most insidious ways the prior administration and their anti-gun cronies lashed out at the Second Amendment is “debanking.” That may...
David Hogg is now the Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), and he left a massive, smelly hole in the mire. In a move that...