Gun Rights
By Presidential Decree: Hunter Biden’s Gun Rights Are More Important Than Yours

A++ for the snappy meme, Elon!
Hunter Biden is just like you and me … only BETTER!
For most Americans, lying on the form that we must complete–Form 4473–when we purchase a firearm is a very serious criminal offense, punishable by up to 10 years in Federal PMITA Prison and a quarter-million-dollar fine. Any lie will do, but the fib that’s most commonly told is the one about not using any illegal drugs. Most of the people who lie on the form and claim they “never inhaled” will never face criminal charges for it, largely because most people are smart enough not to produce Hollywood-quality recordings of themselves doing those drugs (and lots of other stuff).
Trouble is, nobody’s ever accused Hunter Biden of being smart enough for much at all. A couple of years back, after a remarkable amount of government-sponsored censorship coercion, Hunter’s lack of intelligence (as well as a number of other inadequacies) was displayed for the world to see. There he was, on a tape he made of himself, doing All Of The Drugs (and lots of other stuff) while owning a firearm.
And isn’t it strange how, all of a sudden, the “dangerous drug-addict prohibited person in possession” became “a guy with a drug problem who did nothing wrong”? As is proven by just how hard the Biden administration fought to keep Hunter’s felony a secret, everyone was absolutely terrified that he might face exactly the same penalties as any other gun owner who had done the same thing.
Here’s the thing: Hunter Biden didn’t use his firearm to commit any crimes. It appears that Hunter never did anything illegal to support his illegal drug habit. There are millions of Americans who are living in this same situation right now, especially since there are now only six states in which marijuana is completely illegal. (Yes, when it comes to firearm possession, the .gov treats medical weed exactly the same way it does black-tar heroin.)
Furthermore, most Americans can agree that whether or not Hunter enjoys crack and hookers is largely irrelevant. The only thing that makes him even a little bit interesting is his last name. If every politician with an embarrassing relative was unable to run for office, we’d have zero representation in the House or Senate. Our problem is this: If the rules are too harsh for Baby Biden, then why aren’t they too harsh for the rest of us? The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms would like to know. Here’s their statement…
President Joe Biden has stated his son “did nothing wrong,” yet Hunter Biden now is on trial for lying on a federal Form 4473 when he bought a Colt revolver in 2018, and then committing the second crime of being a drug addict in possession of a firearm.
“Joe evidently wants to protect his son’s Second Amendment rights,” said Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, “but he doesn’t care about anyone else’s gun rights. His half-century of activity in Washington, D.C., supporting every gun control restriction to come along, proves it.”
Hunter Biden allegedly lied when claiming on the federal gun purchase form he was not using illegal drugs. His dad apparently knew he had a problem, according to a published report about a voice message the elder Biden left on his son’s telephone, urging him to “get some help.”
“Joe Biden obviously knew his son had a serious drug problem at the time he bought the handgun at a Delaware gun shop,” Gottlieb observed. “What else did Joe know, and when did he know it?”
Hunter Biden wrote in his memoir about being addicted to crack cocaine at the time. Yet he apparently lied about it when filling out the Form 4473 where it asks, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”
Thousands of people have been convicted of federal felonies for lying on their Form 4473, including those who have gone to prison,. If he is convicted, Hunter Biden should receive no special treatment.
“There is no way anyone could misunderstand the question about drug use on the 4473,” Gottlieb said. “Joe Biden has stated he will not intervene if his son is convicted, but how can anyone believe a guy who says the border is secure, the economy is great and who claims to be a ‘Second Amendment guy’ while also working to ban an entire class of firearms and turn the right to keep and bear arms into a government-regulated privilege? Joe Biden has been stretching the truth or telling outright falsehoods his entire career. In Hunter’s case, it appears the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.”
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